today's date: Feb 10, 2025
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Online Public Access Catalog (Bibliotheca Carmelitana)

Welcome to our library's online public access catalog.
Search our catalog to view bibliography information on holdings we have in our Carmelite library.

The History of the Carmelite Library

history biblioThe Carmelite Library started in 1948 when books on Carmelite matters were separated from other works in the General Library of St. Albertus International College in Rome. The first two librarians, Br. Otger Steggink and Fr. Serapion Seiger completed this task. In 1949 the Carmelite Library was in a room next to the then Chapter Room on the ground floor. Soon afterwards, on the orders of the then Prior General, Fr. Kilian Lynch, Frs. Pio Serracino Inglott and Ludovico Saggi added to this initial nucleus a large collection of books and periodicals from many houses in Italy and in other provinces.

Following this, provision was made for the acquisition of books published by various publishers from commercial bookshops and also from antiquarian booksellers. This is the practice that continues still. Another source of books is the application of the decree laid down by the 1953 General Chapter, and confirmed in 1995, that provinces and members of the Order should send two copies of their publications on Carmelite matters to the Carmelite Library.

After a reorganisation of the interior of the building, the Carmelite Library moved to its present position on the first floor.

The cataloguing and development of the library owes much to the labours of Frs. Pio Serracino Inglott (between 1953 and 1983), and Leo van Wijmen (from 1983 until 1999).

Since 1972 the Library has been entrusted to the Carmelite Institute.

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