
Online Public Access Catalog (Bibliotheca Carmelitana)
Welcome to our library's online public access catalog. Search our catalog
to view bibliography information on holdings we have in our Carmelite library.
Search Core Fields Useful when searching for an item whose title, author, or identification number you already know. It can also be used to distinguish works by a person (search Author/Creator fields) from works about a person (search Subject fields). The core fields include: - Author/Creator
Includes the person, institution, or conference responsible for creating a work. Editors, compilers, collaborators, translators, photographers, and so forth. - Title
Enter the complete title to retrieve the exact record. Words related to a work’s main subject frequently appear in its title. To find multiple works related to your area of interest, do a search by title using a few key words. - Subject
A mixture of "controlled" and "uncontrolled" vocabulary. "Controlled" vocabulary refers to subject terms that have been standardized for library cataloging purposes.
Note: When a bibliographic record is displayed on the screen, you can click on one of the highlighted subject headings to search for other records that have the same word(s) in a subject field.
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under the Curia Generalizia dei Carmelitani - www.ocarm.org